Posts Tagged ‘ Parenthood ’


7th Jan 2018

I thought I knew what love is;
Yet after you arrived;
I was awestruck with its power;
How unconditionally it flows;
And warms my heart;
Reaches into nooks and crevices;
That I never knew existed within me.

I thought I knew what motherhood is;
From my Mamu who loved me so well
And yet as the tables turned;
It’s taken me by fervour;
It keeps growing;
Ferocious with every ounce of blood and milk;
That flows from me to you.

I thought I knew myself;
I thought I had figured me out very well;
Yet this newness in me;
Has taken me by surprise;
This patience and tolerance I never had before;
Seems to grow and mature;
Together with you.

There are times when I am exhausted;
It’s never all glam and glory you see;
Yet I wouldn’t have it otherwise;
Yet I wouldn’t have it otherwise.